Saturday, April 18, 2009

Obama in Southamerica

Obama promised a new world order and he´s gonna get it. After listening words like fascist, invader...etc. he has faced to all the Southamericans president with a big Hi and Welcome to the show. He practices what he preached and that´s why he´s showing to the universe that is not a product, just a politician with intelligence. Thanks God for Obama?, much better, thanks to the americans for choosing someone like him.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Michelle Obama´s hug to Liz

Completely mad are the journalists writing on the tabloids that Michelle´s behaviour has been over the top. After giving to the Queen an I pod, Liz gave back a pic of her (???). Aside of this typical english kindness Michelle has shocked the world with her approach to a walking institution and a piece of...history. Thanks God for Michelle Obama and for her way of move the foundations of old and creepy England.

As the Sex pistols said: God Save the Queen, her fascist regime...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Jeff Dunham

For being so brilliant and having that dry sense of humour. Awesome Jeff for you.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Wot is this?

That´s the point, after some posts dedicated to Obama is time to change. Spring and nice weather is here in Spain at the moment, 20 degrees (Celsius), sunny weather, beers at the sun, nice food, sweat... everything makes you burn your blood inside your veins, we have all that but no money to enjoy even more. We have just that, the sun, the only thing that cannot be censored by the politicians. We the spaniards, plants aching for the sun and nothing else but the shade of the tourists´ wallets. Wot is this?, welcome to Spain.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

In the mood for change

I'm still keeping an open mind towards Obama and the future. I never expected radical change - he's never indicated that he would give us that - however I know we'll get change because we've already gotten change. I tell myself that no, it's not Clinton's third term because surely Obama will offer new ideas and leadership. I remain hopeful.

I'm very disappointed in his choice for Rick Warren to give a keynote address at the inauguration. That was unnecessary and inappropriate - choosing someone so obviously bigoted to speak after you've been elected by such a diverse cross-section of people seems like a gratuitous slap in the face. I wish he would retract the invitation.

I have a friend who will be working for a union as part of their "Obama accountability" project. YES! That's what we need...for us all to get out there and make him do the right thing!

Listen David´s opinion here:

In the mood of change.wav - Cara to cara

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Obama won the lottery

At least and at last Obama won the lottery. The States seem to be a new country with a lot of people celebrating his victory and with all the eyes of the rest of the world on this handsome man that, by now, is the only fact we know about him. I will also like to comment how Mc Cain accepted this victory. For us his speech had been more important than Obama´s fans all over the country. Why?, well, he said: There are not red states or blue states, we are The United States of America, most of the people decided that Obama should be the president so let´s support him and congratulations to the afroamericans for the election. Far beyond being politictly correct, saying country in Spain means that you are fascist, not in the U.S.A. Then, I really wish that Obama behaves the way you all want to and that he works on deleting that american 100% image that we, the rest of the world, all have. Obama bless u all.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Radio Talk Shows

We all know that words have consequences. We have some of the most violent and hateful radio talk show programs (names like Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, Michael Reagan, Neal Boortz for example) and millions of people in the United States tune into that kind of right-wing talk radio every day. Yes our speech is protected, however to be using the public airwaves to stir up anger, greed and basic evil, is very scary. Watching the McCain/Palin rallys recently reminds me of hate radio. It feels as though a climate of intolerance and hatred is being encouraged. Let's not forget that talk(hate) radio contributed to the genocide in Rwanda. Do you have such talk shows on your side of the world David?

Here all the radio shows are bought by the President, all but one, and that hatred seems to be the only punk attitude on this country. The main problem is that the radio station is owned by the Spanish Catholic Church and that´s not the best way to believe in the...journalist. Hatred, sadly, is the engine of life.